Face Swap
You can perform a face swap from one image to another. Both images must contain one face, otherwise it will only take the left most face as input.

Request Body
Source Image
This is the URL for the face that you would like to use on the target. You cannot use URLS served by (Redacted Name) (ie. cdn.(Redacted Name)) image.Target Image
This is the URL for the image that you would like to swap the face on. You cannot use URLS served by (Redacted Name) (ie. cdn.(Redacted Name)) image.0
"sourceImg": "https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/ariana_grande_photo_jon_kopaloff_getty_images_465687098.jpg",
"targetImg": "https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/6474d985fece284f32569957/0x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=1200"
HTTP Response
The response contains the image data in the form of an `ArrayBuffer`. The image data can be accessed using the appropriate method based on the programming language or framework you are using to handle the response..com/391e2e9c-19a4-4f11-b7db-a333b109a8cb/0_2.webp)